Wisdom in Wealth

Strategies, Stories, and Lessons Learned Over the Course of 25 Years Helping Families Plan Their Financial Lives

Looking for Opportunity in Change

POSTED ON July 16th - POSTED IN estate planning, election, tax reform

By Bill Beynon - “If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade.” - Tom Peters

It's Not About the Tax, It's About Liquidity

POSTED ON June 18th - POSTED IN estate planning, liquidity

By Bill Beynon - The US Federal Estate Tax has changed many times over the last 25 years. Today, each individual can transfer $11.58 million tax free at death. A married couple can pass $23.16 million. The latest[…]

Wealth is Complicated

POSTED ON May 8th - POSTED IN estate planning

By Bill Beynon - Wealth is complicated. Largely because every family is different, but at the same time, the similarities I have found in unrelated families, have always amazed me. The stories repeat...only the names[…]

Silver Linings

POSTED ON April 9th - POSTED IN estate planning, CARES Act, GRAT

By Bill Beynon - I have always viewed myself as a positive person. In my life, I have chosen to see opportunities in times of struggle. Years ago, I participated in an executive coaching program. In one of our[…]

Set It and Forget It...Think Again

POSTED ON March 12th - POSTED IN estate planning, law changes, SECURE Act

By Bill Beynon - Nothing is permanent but change. - Heraclitus There are few things in life that are certain. However, when it comes to estate planning, two things that are certain are taxes and change. In my 25-year[…]

Welcome to Wisdom in Wealth

POSTED ON February 13th - POSTED IN estate planning

By Bill Beynon - Our family and life experiences play a major part in our view of planning and risk. Each family’s ethos is formed over years of experiences. Though all families share similarities and differences, I[…]

William Beynon
President & CEO

Co-Author of Wisdom in Wealth.

John Walker, AEP®, CFP®, CAP®
Managing Director | Private Wealth Management

Co-Author of Wisdom in Wealth.

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