Investment decisions, their genesis, and our thinking behind them.

Gold, the New Bitcoin

POSTED ON February 25th - POSTED IN Gold, Risk, Risk On / Risk Off, Bitcoin

By Zev Abraham - “Gold is Money, Everything Else is Credit” - JP Morgan in testimony before the United States Congress, 1912

A Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day (Part II)

By Zev Abraham - “Lets be honest about gold: It’s a pet rock” – Jason Zweig, The Wall Street Journal - 2015

A Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day (Part I)

POSTED ON July 31st - POSTED IN Gold, Price of Gold

By Zev Abraham - “Gold is Money, Everything Else is Just Credit” - J.P. Morgan


By Zev Abraham - Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a methodology widely used in engineering, quality control, accident analysis and epidemiology. Although not familiar with the term until recently, it came up several[…]

Zev Abraham
Director of Research

Author of Risk On / Risk Off.

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