A monthly publication dedicated to the principle that deeper and broader knowledge drives superior investment results

Lewis Johnson

Lewis Johnson
Co-Chief Investment Officer at Capital Wealth Advisors and author of Trends & Tail Risks.
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Balancing Insight with Timing

By Lewis Johnson - “Science advances one funeral at a time.”

Falling Steel & Energy Prices: Good or Bad?

POSTED ON November 5th - POSTED IN Cycles

By Lewis Johnson - “Life is not a spectacle or feast; it is a predicament.”

A Question of Confidence

POSTED ON October 29th - POSTED IN Risk

By Lewis Johnson - “I suspect everyone and I suspect no one.”

Market Raids and Weak Links

POSTED ON October 22nd - POSTED IN Risk

By Lewis Johnson - “When you raid a cathouse, you take the piano player too.”

Mid Cycle Correction or Serious Downturn?

POSTED ON October 15th - POSTED IN Risk

By Lewis Johnson - “I made my money by selling too soon.”

Lewis Johnson
Chief Investment Officer

Author of Trends & Tail Risks

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