By Lewis Johnson - Wealth cannot grow unless it is invested and therefore placed at risk. Done properly, over time, investing in the right risks can be amazingly rewarding. Choosing the right risks means avoiding the[…]
Lewis Johnson

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By Lewis Johnson - One of the most important achievements of highly successful investors is to identify and understand - early on – a trend that becomes a dominant investment theme. Many professionals will spend their[…]
By Lewis Johnson - The financial world is a confusing place. Those of us with significant experience that pre-dates the Global Financial Crisis of 2007 - 2009 can easily see how much more complex the world is now than[…]
By Lewis Johnson - The economy is composed of many different cycles, each operating with varying degrees of influence at any given point in time. This may sound confusing but it’s really no more complex than our[…]
By Lewis Johnson - The Wizard of Oz is one of the most popular and famous movies of all time. Almost 80 years ago, its quotes and idioms entered the lexicon of the English language and cinematic history. Its high[…]