By Lewis Johnson - Investing is an exercise in decision making under uncertainty. We use a variety of tools to minimize uncertainty and increase the odds that our investments are successful. One of the most important[…]
Lewis Johnson

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By Lewis Johnson - Mark Twain once said, "History does not repeat itself but it does rhyme." This week we examine a precedent from 1931 for clues to the political debate underway now in Europe. We consider whether[…]
By Lewis Johnson - Cycles and their changing phases are everywhere around us. The twenty-four hour daily cycle comprises the opposites of day and night. The seasons transition from the cool of winter to the opposite[…]
By Lewis Johnson - Last week the Greek bond market took a beating after almost two full years of constant improvement. This week’s Trends and Tail Risks explains why you should care and what we are watching for next.[…]
By Lewis Johnson - Investing wisely is challenging. But better information helps. Knowing is better than guessing!