A monthly publication dedicated to the principle that deeper and broader knowledge drives superior investment results

Lewis Johnson

Lewis Johnson
Co-Chief Investment Officer at Capital Wealth Advisors and author of Trends & Tail Risks.
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Never Give In

By Lewis Johnson - CHIEF CONCLUSION We wanted to take a different tack in today’s “Trends and Tail Risks.” We are taking a step back from our typical investment focus and thinking about the big picture of what[…]

Changes in the Rules of the Game

POSTED ON April 16th - POSTED IN Bonds, Gold, Portfolio Construction for a Challenging World

By Lewis Johnson - CHIEF CONCLUSION In complex times, it’s important to focus. From where I sit, it seems that there are two big things going on in global markets right now. The first is a cyclical downturn of[…]

The Real March Madness

By Lewis Johnson - CHIEF CONCLUSION The Fed can’t print a vaccine for coronavirus COVID-19, but it can attempt to ease market distress by reversing the spike in real interest rates that took place when the Fed allowed[…]

Risk Management in an Uncertain World: Asset Allocation 1 - Timing Fairy 0

By Lewis Johnson - CHIEF CONCLUSION Last week the equity market suffered the fastest drop ever from an all-time high. We believe that the violence of this collapse makes a strong case for professional risk management[…]

Tech Valuations Party Like It's 1999

POSTED ON February 20th - POSTED IN Thinking About the Future, technology

By Lewis Johnson - CHIEF CONCLUSION It should come as no surprise to our long-term readers that, when equity valuations become extended in our view, our research team grows more cautious. Our team finds itself at such[…]

Lewis Johnson
Chief Investment Officer

Author of Trends & Tail Risks

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