A monthly publication dedicated to the principle that deeper and broader knowledge drives superior investment results

Lewis Johnson

Lewis Johnson
Co-Chief Investment Officer at Capital Wealth Advisors and author of Trends & Tail Risks.
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By Lewis Johnson - CHIEF CONCLUSION Our goal is not to create “set it and forget it” portfolios but rather to proactively navigate a changing cycle. Because we do our own research in house, this means we are ready to[…]

Planet of the Apes

POSTED ON May 30th - POSTED IN Populism, European Sovereign Debt

By Lewis Johnson - Chief Conclusion The implosion of the Italian sovereign bond market, the world’s 3rd largest bond market, surprised the world May 29, 2018 with unexpected ferocity. However, long term readers of this[…]

Old Dog, New Tricks?

POSTED ON May 17th - POSTED IN Art of Valuation, Thinking About the Future

By Lewis Johnson - Chief Conclusion The world’s best investors are constantly learning, constantly trying to expand their circle of competence to make better decisions. Today I explain a recent revelation I had when I[…]

RIP Coalmine Canary

By Lewis Johnson - Chief Conclusion We believe that our prudent investors benefit from thoughtful research. Why? Because when markets become threatening a deep analytical toolbox gives investors more tools to manage[…]

Fearless Twenty-Six-Year Olds

By Lewis Johnson - Chief Conclusion Our valuation discipline is at the heart of how we manage portfolios. Why? Because if you pay too much even for a good company, you can “be right” about the future and still lose[…]

Lewis Johnson
Chief Investment Officer

Author of Trends & Tail Risks

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