A monthly publication dedicated to the principle that deeper and broader knowledge drives superior investment results

Lewis Johnson

Lewis Johnson
Co-Chief Investment Officer at Capital Wealth Advisors and author of Trends & Tail Risks.
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POSTED ON August 23rd - POSTED IN masters of investing

By Lewis Johnson - Chief Conclusion I believe investors can better understand the events underway in emerging markets if they study George Soros’ principle of “reflexivity.” I believe that this rare but powerful force[…]

Warren Buffett On Investing

POSTED ON August 9th - POSTED IN masters of investing

By Lewis Johnson - Chief Conclusion Warren Buffett shows his mastery of investing through his simple description of it. Simpler is often better in investing. Never let anyone tell you differently. This is the second in[…]

Searching for the World's Best Investments? Begin by "Inverting."

POSTED ON July 26th - POSTED IN Inversion Principle

By Lewis Johnson - Chief Conclusion I think that the best path to identify the world’s best investment ideas starts with a process that minimizes mistakes. Charlie Munger calls this the “Inversion Principle” as we[…]

Jack Laporte's Biggest Investment Mistake

By Lewis Johnson - Chief Conclusion Once you identify a great investment idea, the most important thing you can do is to remain patient. Learning from the Best - Jack Laporte. A Great Investor and Wonderful Person The[…]

Avoid the Monkey Trap

By Lewis Johnson - Chief Conclusion Today’s “Trends and Tail Risks” is about what happens to leadership stocks when confidence flees, and bull markets turn into bear markets, which has taken place on average every nine[…]

Lewis Johnson
Chief Investment Officer

Author of Trends & Tail Risks

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