A monthly publication dedicated to the principle that deeper and broader knowledge drives superior investment results

Lewis Johnson

Lewis Johnson
Co-Chief Investment Officer at Capital Wealth Advisors and author of Trends & Tail Risks.
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Recent Posts

Contagion: Fog of War?

POSTED ON July 8th - POSTED IN Risk, Contagion

By Lewis Johnson - Writing these weekly research pieces is often a revealing journey for me. I start by surveying the world for the most noteworthy events about which I am concerned. As I winnow and sift my thinking, I[…]

Contagion Revisited


By Lewis Johnson - Big changes are afoot in the markets. It’s time to pay attention! While Greece is very much all over the headlines these days – current events impact far more than Greece. We care about Greece[…]

Great Expectations

POSTED ON June 24th - POSTED IN Cycles, Bottom Up Analysis, Commodity

By Lewis Johnson - Charles Dickens was one of those rare and durable authors who was acclaimed in his own time and whose work is still fresh to this day. Dickens was widely honored as a true literary genius, creating[…]

Demystifying the Business Cycle

POSTED ON June 17th - POSTED IN Prices Allocate Resources, Cycles, Indicators

By Lewis Johnson - The rainy season is well underway here in sunny South Florida. Each day I can confidently predict that the weather will be hot and humid with a good chance of afternoon showers. I can even track by[…]

Villains of Investing

POSTED ON June 10th - POSTED IN Risk

By Lewis Johnson - John D. MacDonald has been one of my favorite authors for many years. A writer who got his start banging out crime copy in the pulps of the 1940s and 1950s, MacDonald is best known among his[…]

Lewis Johnson
Chief Investment Officer

Author of Trends & Tail Risks

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